About This Tool

Remote learning has put challenges to our education system, but educators always find a way to improve and rise above it.

This tool is for helping the Teachers and Supervisors of PCST to generate an individualize curriculum for each students. Using this tool, they can manage creating a specific curriculum for students to follow and answer individual modules. Once done, they can record the result on the system and assign the next module to answer.

We have three mode of accounts per school using this tool:
1.) Monitor's account can add grades to the created curriculum for students.
2.) Supervisors account can do that as well and can adjust the subjects of the curriculum each quarter.
3.) Registrar's Account can add student and designate which class they are included and to be handled by the monitors and supervisor of that class.

When all the grades are inputted (as separated by PACE, Miniclass, Scripture Memory and Read Master), the supervisor can add a note for each quarter and generate the needed forms.

We have 3 forms available right now: The actual everyday record of grades(SPC), the form-138(PRC) and the billing to be passed to the admin checking how many materials are used and must be included on their tuition fee.

Powered by Google

Two of the forms being generated is powered by Google Sheets API. That helps the user expand the reports created and further update it using Google Sheets.

Easy to use students grading record

Unlike the previously use excel format of the teachers, this tool is easier because they can only access what they need to see. They can just learn how to input grades and the counting for the number of materials used can be automatically computed.

Easy to access App

This app is convenient for remote learning environment. It is accessible during a work-from-home setup because of its web application nature.

Audit trail for tracking error inputs

Errors can be made during the inputting of grades. This app catches all the trails and the user can easily update and correct the error. The trail is for the teachers to recognize what is the incorrect input so that they will learn how to correct it and improve from their.

Philippine Christian School of Tomorrow

This project is made possible in partnership with PCST, with their input as a model school for using a unique grading system.

They offer an individualize education for students that already pride themselves with succesful professionals around the globe.

OASIS tend to help their goal to continue to offer quality education with tools such as ours.

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Train up a child in the way he should go, [a]And when he is old he will not depart from it. - Proverbs 22:6 NKJV

How to Register My School?

This tool also contains admin side that controls all the subjects to be added by the supervisor, the adjustment of passing grade each module and creating backup data in case the user needed them.

We greatly value your time and want to help you use our system as soon as possible. However, we still need to set things up before we can proceed in giving you access to this amazing system. You can send us a inquiry below and we will start from their. We will immediately contact you for the requirements.

Thank you for your time and we hope to see you real soon

Frequently Asked Questions

None as of the moment. The installation for each schools needs to have a different data connection to comply on our intended data privacy.

Yes. User's Manual will be provided once installation is done. Our team can also held trainings for the teachers and staffs if needed.

A personal hosting and domain is advisable. However, it can also run locally and can be accessed by machines connected on one network.



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